Heart Replacement


A heart replacement is a surgery that replaces your heart with one from an organ donor. This is only used when you are too sick to survive without a transplant and only if you meet strict criteria. Thanks to advances in medicine, heart transplantations have a high success rate. People live for years or even decades after receiving their new heart.

What is a heart transplant?

A heart transplant is a surgery that replaces your heart with a donated heart from another person. To receive a heart transplant, you must be very ill despite medical therapy and need a new heart to survive. Because there’s a limited availability of donor hearts, you also must meet very strict requirements to qualify for this kind of transplant. Like other organ transplant surgeries, heart transplants are difficult operations that have risks. After receiving a transplant, you’ll need medical care for the rest of your life to prevent rejection and complications.

A heart transplant is a last-resort treatment for people who have end-stage heart failure. That means your heart has permanent damage or weakness that keeps it from pumping enough blood to your body.